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12 Essential Questions to Ask Your Online Speech Therapist as an Adult

August 17, 2023
2 min read

The landscape of speech therapy has seen a seismic shift in recent years, with the advent and mainstream acceptance of online platforms for delivery of therapy. For adults seeking speech therapy, it is vital to understand the intricacies of the online modality and to ensure they are receiving not just convenient, but effective treatment. As an engaged participant in your own therapeutic journey, there are key questions that you should ask your online speech therapist to ensure that your distinct needs are met.

  • What is Your Experience and Specialization?
  • How Does Online Speech Therapy Work?
  • What Technology Requirements are There?
  • What is the Plan for Assessment?
  • How Will Progress be Tracked?
  • How Will Therapy Goals be Set?
  • What Strategies and Techniques Will be Used?
  • How is the Home Program Structured?
  • What is the Policy for Missed or Cancelled Sessions?
  • How Will Confidentiality be Maintained?
  • How is Billing and Payment Handled?
  • How Can I Reach You Between Sessions?

In essence, the questions serve as a guide to navigate the nuanced world of online speech therapy. They reflect the importance of active engagement and discernment in choosing a therapist and shaping your therapeutic journey. A proactive approach, coupled with the appropriate line of inquiry, can ensure a robust, effective, and gratifying therapy experience.

Remember, the success of online speech therapy, much like its traditional counterpart, hinges on the dual pillars of a competent therapist and an empowered client. As an informed adult client, you are the co-driver in this journey, and asking these crucial questions will ensure that you are steering in the right direction.


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This knowledge will help you evaluate their fitness for your specific needs.

It typically involves a secured video conferencing tool, like Zoom or GoToMeeting, where the therapist will guide you through exercises and activities, much like an in-person session.

To fully benefit from online therapy, you need to ensure you have the necessary technical setup, such as a stable internet connection, and specific hardware and software.

Assessment is the fulcrum of any therapy and forms the basis for intervention. It helps the therapist understand your needs and plan the therapy accordingly.

Progress tracking is crucial to understanding whether the therapy is effective. It helps to measure the effectiveness of the therapy and make necessary adjustments.

Therapy goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They help to guide the therapy and measure progress.

Given the online nature of the therapy, understanding how your therapist will ensure privacy and confidentiality is of utmost importance.

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